The Fresh Therapeutics team is keen to prevent the spread of disease by providing needle exchange for those that use needles and to assist the injecting drug users to remain healthy until they are ready and willing to cease injecting and ultimately achieve a drug-free life with appropriate support
If you come to Fresh Therapeutics for needle exchange (which we provide at Bondi) expect to be asked about your health and well-being and to be offered referral to drug and alcohol services for Hepatitis testing and or treatment and referral to mental health services if appropriate. We like to make every contact count.
For more information go to the Needle Users and Aids Association
At Fresh Therapeutics Bondi we provide:
Fit Packs
If you exchange needles new fit packs (containing Terumo ® U-100 needles) are free.
If no exchange prices are:
♦ 3-needle pack $3 ♦ 5-needle pack $5 ♦ 10-needle pack $10
Ancillary Kits containing:
♦ Water for Injection ♦ Alcohol swabs ♦ Filters ♦ Plastic spoons
Sharps bins
Information is provided about safe injecting practices, hepatitis, HIV, AIDs, public needle exchanges, drugs and alcohol in a caring environment.
For information about caring for your veins read the Veincare Booklet.
For information about preventing hepatitis go to Hepatitis NSW
Ask us for a copy of the Safe Injecting Practice Fact Card
If you require larger supplies of needles or bigger sharps bins you are advised to attend:
Redfern Harm Minimisation Unit
103-105 Redfern Street (enter via Turner Street)
Hours: M-F 9am – 5.30pm; Sat/Sun/Public Holiday 12pm-2.30pm
Phone: 9395 0400 After Hours: 0419 801 99
U 6, 1 Marcel Cres
Hotline: 1800 255 244 Phone: (02) 9831 4037
Even though it’s illegal, there are a small number of people in our community who inject drugs. People who inject drugs may come into contact with other people’s blood by sharing needles and syringes. These people are more likely to get blood-borne viruses such as HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Once you have a blood-borne virus you can transmit it to others by blood-to-blood contact. HIV and hepatitis B can also be transmitted through sex.
Needle and Syringe Programs (NSP) provide sterile needles and syringes to people who inject drugs. This helps prevent blood-borne viruses from being transmitted in our community. NSP help protect the health of EVERYONE in the community.
Community benefits of NSP
♦ NSP reduce the spread of HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C among people who inject drugs and the wider community.
♦ NSP save money. HIV can cause AIDS and hepatitis C can cause liver disease and other serious illnesses. Treating these diseases costs far more than preventing them through programs like NSP.
♦ NSP are often the only contact that people who inject drugs have with the health system.
♦ NSP provide people who inject drugs with information on safer injecting and on drug treatment services.
♦ NSP encourage the safe disposal of needles and syringes.
Are Needle and Syringe Programs legal?
The law allows organisations approved by the Department of Health to provide sterile needles and syringes to people who inject drugs.
What about the health risks from discarded needles and syringes?
♦ NSP encourage the safe disposal of used needles and syringes. They provide disposal containers and information on safe disposal. Most people who inject drugs return their used needles and syringes to an NSEP, or put them in a safe disposal container and dispose of them into a rubbish bin.
♦ Needles and syringes improperly discarded in the community may be of concern to the public. However, the risk of catching a blood-borne virus from a community needlestick injury is very low. Nonetheless, if a needlestick injury does occur, please seek medical advice immediately.