Fresh Therapeutics provides the following services for people with Diabetes or pre-Diabetes:
- Risk assessment and screening – blood glucose testing
- Information and advice about Diabetes and blood glucose monitoring
- Information and advice to help you manage diabetes including foot care, dental care, wound care and eye care
- Diabetes Meds-check information about your medicines
- Download of data from blood glucose monitor and presented as graphs to give to your GP (Optium Xceed and Freestyle Lite only)
- Assistance with choosing the right blood glucose monitor for you
- Advice about how to use your blood glucose monitor
- Blood pressure testing
Click here to make an appointment
Each Fresh Therapeutics Compounding Pharmacy is an accredited National Diabetes Services Scheme NDSS Access Point.
The National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) is an initiative of the Australia Government, administered by Diabetes Australia. The NDSS delivers diabetes-related products at subsidised prices and provides information and support services to people with diabetes.
How to Register for NDSS Services
To register with the NDSS, you must be:
- diagnosed with diabetes,
- hold or be eligible for a Medicare card and
- reside in Australia.
Upon diagnosis, your GP or Diabetes Educator must first complete the application form. These forms are available from Fresh Therapeutics Pharmacy or click on links below
When you lodge your NDSS application forms at a Fresh Therapeutics Pharmacy, you’ll automatically become eligible to receive:
- subsidised testing strips for checking blood gluclose levels;
- free insulin syringes and pen-needles (only if you require insulin to treat your diabetes)
- subsidised insulin pump consumables (via the Australian Diabetes Council)
To see the subsidised costs of strips, syringes and pen-needles click on links below:
To receive Insulin Pump Consumables you need to firstly complete and have accepted the Insulin Pump Assessment Form. The Order forms you can find after you managed your registration (click on links below for more information):
- Insulin Pump Assessment Information and Forms
For more information go to
Other Diabetes Products we provide:
- Lancing devices
- Lancets (these should be changed regularly)
- Blood Glucose Monitors
- Venosan® Diabetes (silver lined) socks
- Diabetes cookbooks
- Record books for recording blood glucose levels
- Ketone Testing strips (blood and urine)
- Hypoglycaemia sugar (Glucojels jelly beans, glucose gels, Glucodin® powder and tablets)
- Skin and Foot care products (Eulactol® Heel balm, Vitamin E creams)
- Diabetes Identification Jewellry
- Sharps disposable units
- Diab-ezy Wipes® and alcohol swabs
- Travel packs (for travelling with insulin)
- Blood pressure monitors
- Extensive wound care range
- Mouthcare products (Biotene)
- Sugarfree confectionery and gums
Sharps Disposal Service
Fresh Therapeutics has a FREE disposal service of used sharps and syringes. They must be in an approved sharps container as it is a Bio-Hazard to the community. The containers are collected and incinerated.
For more information about diabetes see: