People who are most at risk of diabetes are those with a combination of risk factors — that is, people with higher than normal glucose levels, aged 40 years and older, who have a family history of diabetes, are overweight, have high blood pressure, and known cardiovascular disease or a past history of gestational diabetes.
You can have type 2 diabetes and not know it because there may be no obvious symptoms.
People with diabetes have a higher risk of developing heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, circulation problems, lower limb amputations, nerve damage and damage to the kidneys and eyes.
If diabetes is diagnosed and treated early these long term complications may be avoided or delayed.
Blood Glucose Cost: $5.00
The Diabetes screen involves a simple finger prick test, whereby a drop of blood is sampled on an Optium Xceed glucometer. The results are available immediately, and will indicate the level of glucose in your blood at that point in time. The pharmacist will help you interpret the result, and advise you of any next step. This test is accurate and can be used to test for undiagnosed diabetes, however, confirmation of diagnosis and further tests may need to be performed by your doctor.
Our pharmacist may also use the Australian Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Tool to help assess your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. See Diabetes Australia
Click here to make an appointment for your Diabetes Screen