Glaucoma Health Message at Fresh Therapeutics
There are so many conditions that we need to be alert to as we chat with our patients about their health.
Just a simple “How are you feeling today” can identify someone who is struggling with depression or thoughts of ending their life. Is anyone in your family being treated for glaucoma? can be the trigger to get a person to have an eye check for glaucoma a highly preventable disease.
This is why we have decided at Fresh to have a weekly health message that our staff will ask of our customers in an effort to discuss some preventable condition.
Last month we featured Glaucoma with the following questions:
First degree relatives (parents, siblings, children) are at greater risk – having an almost 1 in 4 chance of developing glaucoma in their own lifetime. The risk increases to 56% if the relative has advanced glaucoma.
If our patients answered yes to any of these questions we encouraged them to see their optometrist as they would be more likely than those answering no to develop glaucoma. Left untreated glaucoma can lead to irreversible blindness.
For our patients that have already been diagnosed with glaucoma we ask:
You can also go to the Glaucoma Australia web-site where there is a Risk Calculator and more information about Glaucoma